About Me | #spuddings

“Only closed minds are certain.”

A workaholic who lost the ability to chill out and do nothing somehwere after 2009, I write, blog, photograph and video my way through life.

In a nutshell (or a potato skin): I’m a Spud – an individual with many uses. I freelance under Spudnik Productions.

I’ve worked as production assistant and assistant producer on a number of documentaries for Al Jazeera English – projects which involved falling into mud, distracting children and being taken away by Bangladeshi police on a cart. Apart from this blog, my writing has also been published on platforms like Al Jazeera EnglishWaging Nonviolence, The Diplomat and Huffington Post.

When not working, I’m an activist/campaigner with We Believe in Second Chances, an anti-death penalty campaign I co-founded. I also support various human rights and social justice issues, mainly because I quite like humans, being social, and having rights.

A new media junkie through and through, I practically live on social networks, and may one day need to be surgically separated from my smartphone. In 2012 I was (surprisingly) listed in a blog post on Foreign Policy’s website as one of the 100 women to follow on Twitter.

From September 2012 – 2013 I will be cavorting in the green, green Welsh countryside… at least, that’s what I tell myself. The reality is that I’ll be getting my nerd on as a Chevening scholar doing my MA in Journalism, Media and Communications at Cardiff University.

For more information, check out the CV and the portfolio.